2005 was a year that saw new films being released and with several major sequels and remakes hitting the box office. Some of the top grossing films were actually sequels and remakes that made millions of dollars in the U.S., the U.K. and Australia. Probably the one of the series that stood out in the 2005 movies lineup was the ‘Goblet of Fire’ sequel in the ‘Harry Porter’ series. J.K Rowling once again takes her fans into Hogwarts fourth year just to discover that the school is hosting the tri-wizard tournament. Harry, played by Radcliffe, Hermione and Ron find themselves once again face to face with the dark lord Voldermort. A new twist is the emergence of the death eaters a group of evil wizards and the imminent return of the dark lord. The suspense in the movie comes with Harry fighting the dragon, saving Ron from the underwater people and going through the maze that makes some crazy. Simply suspenseful.
Some of the movies in 2005 do not take place in a far far away land or in a robot city. Rather it is a tale of two cities, from the jungle of New York City to the jungle of Madagascar. The attention to detail is amazing. The sceneries, characters and the rich colors employed in the movie Madagascar starring Ben Stiller as the Lion and Chris Rock as Marty the Zebra is noteworthy. The humor in the movie is more character-oriented as opposed to the crude irreverent jokes that populate other animations. The movie had kids and parents in stitches when it premiered and the scheming penguins offer some good laughs as well.
Of course, in my list of the top best 2005 movies, the breathtaking journey of tyranny, suffering and death in the last film in the six film series of Star Wars blows the radar off the water. The previous films by the director George Lucas have proved that Star Wars is an indestructible force and the ‘Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith’ reaffirms that position. The movie opens with a long action montage where the Jedi ships are attacking a Sith spaceship with Anakin and Obi Wan on board. The movie with the visuals is a wonder to behold with attention to detail being given to the skyline, the buildings the CGI characters and the planets in the galaxy. It is simply overwhelming. Other notable box office 2005 movies are Chronicles of Narnia, War of the Worlds, Chocolate Factory and the Wedding Crashers among others. A pretty good year for Hollywood.